EŞİK: We have to defend the Civil Code
“We have to defend the Civil Code guaranteeing the principle of secularism in private life and making a secular life possible for all of us,” said the Women's Platform for Equality (EŞİK) in a statement.

News Center-The Women's Platform for Equality (Eşitlik için Kadın Platformu, EŞİK), the We Will Stop Femicide Platform (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu-KCDP) and the Women Assemblies will hold a workshop called, “Workshop on the Struggle for the Civil Code” at Taksim Point Hotel in Istanbul on January 21. The EŞİK has released a statement on its social media account, calling for participation in the workshop.
‘No one will have legal security’
The Civil Code guarantees equality, secular lifestyle and social partnership, the statement said. “If the government is allowed to amend the Civil Code according to religious law, no one, particularly women and children, will have legal security.”
‘We have to defend the Civil Code’
Emphasizing that the rights guaranteed by the Civil Code are a whole, the statement said, “All rights, including women’s rights to work, property and inheritance rights, child custody and child adoption are at risk. We have to defend the Civil Code guaranteeing the principle of secularism in private life and making a secular life possible for all of us and we have to defend our life and our freedom.”