‘Child marriage should be prevented to build a moral society’
Commenting on child marriage, Canê Ebdo, member of the Jineology Research Center in the Euphrates Region, said, “Child marriage should be prevented in order to build a political and moral society.”

Kobanê – Conflict, forced displacement and the policies of occupation causes the rights violations to be increased. Women and children are the most affected by these rights violations. Recently, the rights of children have been violated all over the world, particularly in the Middle Eastern and African countries. Child marriage is one of the rights violations against children.
In an interview with NuJINHA, Canê Ebdo, member of the Jineology Research Center in the Euphrates Region spoke about the increase in child marriages despite the international law and conventions. “Child marriage is one of issues that women’s movements struggle to end. All individuals should struggle to prevent child marriage in order to build a civil, moral and political society,” she said.
‘There are many reasons for the increase in child marriage’
Speaking about the approach of society to child marriage, she said, “Child marriage is a global problem. There are many reasons for the increase in child marriage such as conflicts, the capitalist system and patriarchal mentality, traditions and customs. The mental and physical development of a 12-14 year old child is not suitable for starting a family and taking responsibility. Child marriage is a serious problem, especially affecting the physical development of children. Although many awareness-raising activities and campaigns have been carried to end this phenomena, it still exists. All women should struggle together to end child marriage.”