Call from Shengal against use of chemical weapons: Investigation should be launched

The Shengal Health Committee and the women of Shengal issued a statement on Turkey's use of chemical weapons against the fighters of the HPG in the Kurdistan Region. They called an immediate investigation to be launched.

Shengal (Sinjar) - The members of the Shengal Health Committee and and the women of Shengal gathered in front of the Xanesor Peoples’ Assembly to issue a statement condemning Turkey’s use of chemical weapons against the fighters of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) in the Kurdistan Region.

“We will continue to resist”

Before issuing the statement, Meyan Nasır made a speech on behalf of the families of martyrs in Shengal. “First, the fighters of the HPG came here to help us. (During the genocide against the Yazidis). We will never forget this. We will also never forget the inhuman practices of the Turkish state; we will never forget how they killed us and how they killed the guerillas by using chemical weapons. Despite all the attacks, we will continue to resist together,” she said, “We, as Yazidi mothers, will always stand by the guerillas. Because we are alive today thanks to the guerrillas.” She also underlined that the guerrillas saved them from ISIS.

“The attacks are a crime against humanity”

The statement issued by the Shengal Health Committee is read:

“We, as the Shengal Health Committees, strongly condemn the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state against the guerrillas of Kurdistan. The use of such weapons are prohibited all around the world. The international community raises their voices when such weapons are used; however, they remain silent when these weapons are used against the guerrillas. The occupying Turkish state has carried out such inhuman practices against the people in the region for years. The EU and human rights organizations have been remaining silent against what the Turkish state has been doing. Their silence causes the Turkish state to intensify its attacks. The Turkish state commits war crimes not only against the guerrillas but also against Yazidi people. On August 17, 2021, our hospital in Sikêniyê was openly targeted by the Turkish state and eight of our comrades were martyred in the attack.

“As the Shengal Health Committee, we offer our condolences to all the families of the martyrs, particularly to the families of the guerrillas, who were martyred by chemical weapons. We call on all human rights organizations to break their silence and stop such attacks. An immediate investigation should be launched into the incident. The attacks carried out against the guerrillas are a crime against humanity.”