Call from 1000 women for freedom to Aysel Tuğluk
1000 Women for Freedom to Aysel Tuğluk, a campaign group demanding the release of Aysel Tuğluk, calls on the bar associations to take action for the release of Aysel Tuğluk, who is also a lawyer, on their social media account.

News Center - Today is the Lawyers' Day in Turkey. 1000 Women for Freedom to Aysel Tuğluk, a campaign group demanding the release of Aysel Tuğluk, calls on the bar associations to take action for the release of Aysel Tuğluk, who is also a lawyer, on their social media accounts.
Aysel Tuğluk has been held in the Kandıra F-Type Prison although she has suffered from dementia. “As more than 6,000 women from 54 countries, we remind the bar associations celebrating #LawyersDay that Aysel Tuğluk is also a lawyer and that her right to life has been seriously violated. We call on the bar associations to take action for the release of Aysel Tuğluk,” the campaign group posts on their social media account.