Call for support to eliminate ISIS cells in al-Hol camp
The operation launched by the Internal Security Forces continues in al-Hol camp. The camp manager Cîhan Henan said that the support of international forces is needed to eliminate ISIS cells in the camp.

Hasakah- The al-Hol camp, located in the city of Hasakah, northeastern Syria, has been under the control of the Autonomous Administration’s security forces since 2016. There are 54,390 people living in the camp, including Syrian, Iraqi refugees and the women of ISIS. On August 25, the General Command of Internal Security Forces in North and East Syria announced the launch of the second phase of the “Humanitarian and Security Operation” in al-Hol camp to find and arrest ISIS members committing crimes in the camp.
Since then, 23 ISIS members have been arrested in the camp and the investigation launched against them is still going on. In Addition, 23 tents that were used by ISIS members as training centers and courts have been removed. During the operation, some tunnels have been discovered and 113 tents belonging to ISIS members have been removed in the camp. The camp administration has announced that 110 people have been arrested as part of the operation. NuJINHA spoke to the camp manager Cîhan Henan about the latest situation in the camp.
“There is a terror line in the camp”
Noting that there are two lines in the camp, the humanitarian line and the terror line, Cîhan Henan said, “In the camp, there are Iraqi and Syrian refugees fleeing the war on one side, there are ISIS members on the other side. ISIS members have built a base in the camp by organizing themselves. Every year, they have become stronger and taken all the refugees and innocent displaced people under their control in the camp to spread their brutality.”
“ISIS members and refugees live together”
Indicating that they sometimes confuse ISIS members with civilians in the camp, Cîhan Henan said, “As the civilian administration of the camp, we have relations with humanitarian organizations and all people living in the camp. However, we, sometimes, cannot understand the difference between ISIS members and civilians in the camp. We provide humanitarian aid, but we do not know whether we provide aid to innocent people or to ISIS members.”
“ISIS members prevent humanitarian aid”
Underlining that they have to deal with many problems in the camp, Cîhan Henan said, “The Humanitarian and Security Operation launched in the camp should also have a humanitarian and aid aspect and should support us to provide aid to 54,390 people living in the camp. However, the