Another mass grave discovered in Shengal
Another mass grave has been discovered in Shengal since ISIS committed a genocide against Yazidis in Shengal in August 2014.

News Center- Another mass grave containing remains of the people killed by ISIS has been discovered in Shengal (Sinjar), according to the statement released by the “Patricor” human rights organization yesterday.
It also contains remains of women and children
The statement also said that there are the remains of women and children in the mass grave. According to the statement, some of the remains belong to Shiites from Shengal, who were killed by ISIS. “The bones are broken due to the school built on the mass grave,” the statement said.
Until now, 85 mass graves have been discovered in Shengal. On March 15, 2019 and the search process began in the first mass grave in Shengal’s Kojo village on March 15, 2019, in the presence of United Nations representatives.