10th anniversary of Yazidi genocide: People in Shengal stand in silence
People in Shengal stood in silence to commemorate those who killed during the genocide committed by ISIS on August 3,2014.

News Center- Yazidis in Shengal (Sinjar) commemorate those who killed by ISIS on the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi genocide that started by ISIS against the Yazidi community in Shengal on August 3,2014.
The Yazidis gathering in the center of Shengal stood in silence a few minutes at 10 a.m. At the same time, all people in Qibletê, Xanesor, Serdeşt, Solaxê Monument, Sinûnê, Borik, Digûrê and all villages stood in silence.
A commemoration in the afternoon
A commemoration ceremony will be held in Shengal for those who lost their lives in the genocide in the afternoon and then a march will be held from the building of the Peoples’ Assembly to the Zarîfa Osê School.